wow.. its been almost a year since i've used this blog.. can see all the spiderwebs and dust everywhere.. lol.. never knew why i started this blog and definitely do not know why im back here.. lol.. hmmm.. maybe its cuz i've been inspired by the few blogs i've visited tonight.. quite the interesting also.. or maybe its cuz im so freaking bored.. man my blog is so gloomy.. two posts and everything is black.. no wonder no mood to come back.. i should probably brighten things up.. lol.. i'll do it the next time i come back... that is if i come back.. lol.. had to like search for my username.. totally forgot it.. lol..
what a year it has been so far.. i think i've had more experiences this year than any other prior year... i've accomplished so much wei. i'll go into the specifics later right now its time for chemistry homework and some econs(i hope.. lol..) till the next time then.. hopefully its less than a year.. lol